The Veda Mandala

त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम्

उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान् मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात् ॥

भूर्भुवः॒ स्वः तत्स॑वितुर्वरे॑णियं भ॒र्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑ धीमहि ियो॒ यो नः॑ प्रचो॒दया॑त्॥ ।

The Veda Mandala 
is a synergistic confluence of Vedic and Allied Sciences
Just as having five senses is much more empowering than having just one, so there is a significant benefit to studying and simultaneously practicing multiple Vedic Sciences as their innate cross reference coherence significantly amplify the knowledge and insights of one science via the study of any other, a phenomena that goes exponential with every additional Science integrated. For instance, adding Jyotisha to Ayurveda changes everything, as does weaving Ayurveda into Yoga, or Hasta quickly becomes invaluable to Jyotisha.  
To a large extent these sciences/arts/models were never meant to be so isolated as they have become today.
Veda, meaning ‘knowledge’ in general and ‘sacred knowledge’ specifically, typically refers to the ancient spiritual sciences of India.  Veda also is the process of ‘acquiring,’ and can mean ‘perception’ as well.
Mandala, meaning ‘circular,’ typically refers to globes, orbs, rings, circumferences, wheels, as well as people, thoughts, topics, categories, and geometry arranged in a ‘circle’ surrounding and supportive of a common theme.  Mandala can also mean a ‘community,’ a ‘group,’ and a ‘completeness.’
From novices, to highly experienced clinicians, yogis, herbalists, and scientists, the Veda Mandala offers knowledge suitable for all levels, from short topic introductions to lengthy Immersions of quite advanced topics and specialized insights.  
The lineages of the Vedic Sciences have always passed along ‘chest to chest’ in the context of a Oral Tradition, and as this is still preferable, online opportunities also exist!
Kala-Deshi-Patra, one of the most basic of Vedic Principles, is the principle of how to apply the principles and states that all the Vedic Sciences be applied in the context of the ‘Kala,’ which is the time, like 2016; of the ‘Deshi,’ which is the situation and/or place, like NorCal USA; and the ‘Patra,’ which means ‘vessel’ and refers to both the object/person in question and also to the Mantri/Expert applying the Principle.  Know that the Veda Mandala is not pure ‘Classic’ Vedic Knowledge per se, but rather originated and evolved over decades of Prashanti de Jager’s path and practice of being an Acharya, a seeker/seer of patterns, and, to the best of his abilities, incessantly shining the light of Vedic Principles onto every situation possible via the essential lens of Kala-Deshi-Patra.
A Coherent Confluence of Vedic Sciences
The Veda Mandala 
has five main roles to guide us through these epic times
The Veda Mandala is a collection of Vedic Sciences that surround the common theme of topics, pathways and techniques leading to the ultimate evolution of an individual and/or collective society all for the benefit of the greater good.  These sciences include Yoga, Ayurveda, Jyotisha, Vastu Shastra, etc.
The Veda Mandala is a collection of teachings that surround and comprise the common theme of this empowering Vedic Knowledge portal. 
The Veda Mandala is a collection of people studying and living these Vedic Sciences who together as a global conscious Sangha are but one part of the building a critical mass of ancient expressions of living in total harmony with Self and all Other.
The Veda Mandala is a collection of ascending levels of skillfulness and experience that are like concentric orbs that surround the core sciences, and are guild-like in its intention to lift everyone up to their greatest potential.  The Veda Mandala model offers 10 levels of skillfulness and accomplishment.
The Veda Mandala is collection nexus of certification, as stands to reason, as it is inclusive of all the Vedic Sciences and thus is the one prevailing context of all the differentiated content, from Yoga to Ayurveda to Jyotisha, etc, making it the most qualified and meaningful certification source of each of its component facets.
As seen in the evolutionary profundity of the collections of varied views and valences that manifested in the ancient Universities of Nalanda, Takṣaśilā, Persepolis and Alexandria, the Veda Mandala offers and demonstrates the contextual fullness of the Vedic Sciences and thereby assists to reveal the quintessence of the Vedic Culture and its clear contemporary relevance that is otherwise occluded at best but more typically distorted by the limited scope and depth innate of a single component, like mere asana.
The Chapters of the Vedas, specifically the Rg Veda, are called Mandalas, of which 10 exist.
The Veda Mandala Extended
represents a epic pragmatic expression of Perennial Wisdom
Perhaps many of these words below are unknown Sanskrit terms right now, and rest assured that all point to insights and ideas and practices and protocols and Truths that are exceedingly pragmatic to anyone who wants to attain their highest potential, and of course are key to anyone studying any of the Vedic Sciences, be that Yoga or Ayurveda or Jyotisha or Ayurvedic Psychology or Ayurvedic Chefs, etc.  The Veda Mandala also, of course, is the ultimate YTT.
Links to the many facets & opportunities of the Veda Mandala
Guild / School  ::  Comprehensive Certification
Events  :: 15 Day Immersion  ::  Himalayan Adventures
Acharya Virag Triphathi & Prashanti 
accomplishing an important Yagna
Links to the many facets & opportunities of the Veda Mandala
Guild / School  ::  Comprehensive Certification
Events  :: 10 Day Immersion  ::  Himalayan Adventures
The name ‘Veda Mandala’ and everything on this website is copyright 2010-2017 Prashanti de Jager
The name ‘Veda Mandala’ and everything on this website is copyright 2010-2017 Prashanti de Jager
The Veda Mandala 
has 27 dimensions in 9 divisions
1 Culmination
ADVAITA VEDANTA - The Non-Dual End of Knowledge
Advaita Vedanta literally means ‘the non-dual end of knowledge’ and refers to the realization that Consciousness is One, the each soul is the Great Soul, that Atman is Brahman, that the individual is just a transient and illusory sense of ‘separateness.’  Through the pathless path of Vichar, Inquiry, especially as guided by a Saint or Enlightened Being, we can instantaneously arrive at the direct knowledge that everything is Consciousness and we are ‘That!’  
In and as ‘That’ Illumined Love we walk our worlds engaging ‘Other’ as ‘Self’ in the Veda Mandala practice called ‘Nectar Self Reflection.’ 
The Veda Mandala recognizes the power of ‘Lineage’ and the importance of acknowledging and honoring lineage, especially if it is a Sampradaya (when a lineage is a living being).  The lineage, here now is:
 Shiva - Arunachala - Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi - Sri H.W.L. Poonja.
1 Path
YOGA - Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga + Karma Yoga + Gyan Yoga + Bhakti Yoga
The Yoga of the Veda Mandala is a natural synthesis of pragmatic real world Karma Yoga Activism (like Dunagiri Foundation), a clean direct Advaita Gyan Yoga, the Bhakti Yoga of Nectar Self Reflection, and the classic Asthanga Yoga (not the ekanga Mysore Yoga which misuses this term Asthanga) based on Patanjali Yoga Sutras, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Yoga Yajnavalkya, Shiva Samhita, Gheranda Samhita, etc.  The inspiring lineages followed include the SatGuru lineage above as well as those of Sri T. Krishnamacharya and his son, Desikachar, and the views of Theos Bernard and Zhander Remete.  AnandaMayiMa and LaLa inspire our Bhakti Yoga while Vandana Shiva and Jeffrey Smith are amongst our Karma Yoga allies. Also integrated is Yuthok-centric Tibetan Yogas as interpreted by Dr Nida.
2 Foundations
VEDAS - Four Source Knowledge Texts
The four Vedas are the expression of the deepest dynamics of Existance, the Cosmos, the emergence of Consciousness, and the Mantras that are both the substrate of all phenomena and the pathways through.  Generated by a  very ancient culture located 7000 years ago in North India, they are the foundation of the World’s oldest and most complete system of Knowledge. This includes the: 
Samhitas (RgVeda, SamaVeda, YajurVeda, AtharvaVeda), 
Brahmanas (Commentaries), 
Aranyaka (Ritual Philosophy), 
Vedanta (Upanishads), 
Vedangas (Shiksha-phonetics, Chhandas-prosody, Vyakarana-grammar, Nirukta-etymology, Kalpa-ritual instructions, Jyotisha-Astrology), 
UpaVedas (Dhanurveda-weapons, VastuShastra-design, Gandarvaveda-movement, Ayurveda-medicine).
VASTU SHASTRA - Science of Harmonious Creation
Vastu Shastra is the Vedic Science of Harmonious Creation that is based on aligning with fundamental cosmic principles of creation and creativity, principles and patterns that rule the creation of everything from a Galaxy to a Sunflower. Vastu Shastra arises out of the collective insights of millennia of incredible insightful Rishis (seers) who peered into the exquisite patterns of Sacred Geometry, saw how all of nature arises, and then developed skills and protocols that would allow humans to live and thrive in alignment with these fundamental patterns, including those patterns called Mantra and Yantra. In many ways, Vastu Shastra is the root science behind the sciences of Jyotisha and Ayurveda.
2 Guides
PURANAS - Ancient Texts of Mythos and More
The Puranas are an incredible collection of books filled with ancient and enduring myths, and legends, and lore as well as a absolute goldmine of incredible amount of insights into and information on most of the Vedic Sciences.  The word ‘Purana’ literally means ‘There are 18 main Puranas and in their totality include over 400,000 verses, and take up about 4 meters of bookshelf.  The Puranas are a very special part of the Veda Mandala, as all of them are in the Veda Mandala Library and are one of the most read of all the books.
UPANISHADS - Brilliant Books of the Nectar of Vedic Knowledge
After the Vedas were written down the density of their breadth and depth was so astounding that further elucidation and clarification naturally arose in two main forms: The Vedangas, which are the 6 limbs of the Vedas that assist in their understanding and practice, for instance, Jyotisha is the ‘eyes’ of the Vedas; and the Upanishads.  Meaning ‘to sit near,’ the profundity and clarity and poetry and the sheer brilliance of these books are truly amongst the most glorious of all literature ever composed.   Needless to say they are key guides for the Veda Mandala.
3 Engines
MANTRA - Science of Sacred Sound
Any definition of ‘Mantra’ would likely fall short as its true meaning and scope is previous to mind.  This Veda Science of Sound is the study and practice of the sonics of Sacred Geometry, of the vibration of primordial creation, of the coalescing of the creation, maintenance and dissolution of all things.  As all things rise from Sound and return to Sound, Mantra are the potent words that express the emergence of all things as well as the return of everything to its source.  Mantras are used in most of the Vedic Sciences, for instance in Ayurveda, mantras are often the best way to treat deeper imbalances.
YAGNYA - Vedic Fire Rituals
Ranging from an hour to several days, with one to hundreds of priests in attendance, Yajna is the combination of worship, prayer, praise, offering, and sacrifice in the context of fire ceremonies where offerings are sacrificed into the sacred fire, into Agni.  It is accomplished to unify all within the environment, unify the practitioners with their path, unify a person with a particular power, to unify a person’s life with a greater will and power.  Though the outer Yagnyas are potent and spectacular, the inner forms of Yagnya include the fire of aligning one’s life with deeper purpose, the fire of focused practices, as well as the fundamental fires of digestion at all levels.  
TEJAS - Dense Intense Spirited Coherent Focused Intentional Will Power
When reading the Puranic tales, myths and legends the most common metric used in the descriptions of the greatness of Yogis, Warriors, Saints, Poets, Musicians, Kings, Scholars and Artists alike is their Tejas!  A warrior is great not by virtue of his battles or ‘kills,’ but by his Tejas.  One needs Tejas for all the limbs of Yoga but certainly will never pass the 5th limb without it! Tejas is the power to translate thought or intention or vision or purpose into manifest actuality. Without Tejas nothing can happen other than the inevitable increase of entropy.  Tejas is absolutely key to intentional accomplishment and evolution, and once developed can be used to achieve all or succeed in everything to that level to which your Tejas is developed.  The Veda Mandala school, utilizing the Veda Mandala sciences, has developed many techniques and practices of developing Tejas.
3 Primary Sciences 
VASTU SHASTRA - Science of Harmonious Creation
See the description above in the Foundation Section.
JYOTISHA - Vedic Study of Light, Astrology, Psychology and Vastu Shastra
Jyotisha is Vedic Astrology used today for the predictions of Astrology but originally less for Astrology per se, and more the astronomy of keeping time and finding auspicious moments all in the context of Vedic Puja!  Jyotis = light of the sun, dawn, fire, lightning and is the brightness of the sky, but deeper still, Jyotis is the ‘light as the divine principle of life or source of intelligence.’ One level of Jyoti is the Light of awareness.  Ishvara = able to do, capable of, master, lord, king, God, the Supreme Being, the supreme soul, and the number ‘eleven.’ Jyotisha is ‘Jyoti Ishwara,’ the study of the ‘Lords of the Light!’ Jyotiṣha is 'Karma-phala-vipāka-kāla-vidhānam', the ‘set of rules for timing of fruition of past actions,’ and so is used to ascertain the nature of one’s life, a person’s purpose, questions around relationships, wealth, children, home, etc.
AYURVEDA - Vedic Science of Medicine, Longevity & True Wellness
Ayur means Life, and Veda means Knowledge. Ayurveda is the oldest and most comprehensive healing modality on the planet.  Mother to most of world’s healing traditions, the theory and practice of Ayurveda unifies the apparent disparity between them.  Now as the world moves toward a single system of holistic planetary medicine it finds itself returning to the source and re-entering the vast ancient realm of Ayurveda.  Ayurveda is the ancient system of Medicine that has arisen from the Vedic culture at least 5000 years ago.  Its basic premise is the we are consciousness, and from there it offers hundreds of ingenious interwoven models of reality that together allow one to diagnose any imbalance at any level, determine the medicinal value of everything and phenomena in the World, and from a place of True Wellness support the optimal path to Enlightened evolution.  Ayurveda is about a whole lifestyle of health and well-being, purity and joyfulness for the ultimate purpose of realizing One's own nature. It is not about modern 'magical bullets,' which tend to temporally ameliorate or pacify symptoms while leaving the source of the disease untouched. 
5 Secondary Sciences
HASTA SAMUDRIKA - Vedic Palmistry
The Vedic Science of Palmistry that is a very useful and brilliant bridge between Vastu Shastra, Ayurveda, and Jyotisha.  Hasta refers to the hand, and Samudrika refers to marks on and proportions of the body. Hasta Samudrika is the study of the hand in general and specifically the palm to determine the inner qualities of a person’s nature that manifest externally in the palm much like a hologram repeated.
BHUTA VIDYA - Science of Entities
Bhuta Vidya is the Vedic Science that deals with Entities at all levels.  The Veda Mandala defines ‘Entity’ as anything with a ‘life and intelligence of its own,’ and so includes such things as strong Samskaras/tendencies, the engines behind addiction, pure elemental beings, minor evolved presences, fear entities, major global intelligences, and erroneous mis-identification of Self.  It is an exceedingly important as Bhuta drive at least 30% of our life and influence even more. It is a precarious topic that is rarely shared as just its study can render deleterious Bhuta.  Bhuta are at once extremely subtle and one of the pervasive ‘Open Secrets,’ and as it is hazardous, the Veda Mandala weaves much into its practice including Tejas (unyielding spirited focus), Sampradaya (Spiritual Lineage), Ayurveda, Jyotisha, Shamanism, Yagnya, and unique Pranayama practices.
TANTRA - Methods of Cognizing and Owning the Fullness of Incarnation 
Though not really ‘Vedic,’ the Tantra spoken of here is the increasing of the cognition and recognition of ‘primal measures’ of energetics at the frontiers of consciousness where awareness blends into pure Spanda-vibration and Sphurana-scintillation.  The macrocosmic world is recognized as a flux of natural principles, dynamics and laws known en masse as the Mother Goddess and individually as myriad individual Goddesses, and the practice is to generate the identity of the Microcosmic individual content with the Macrocosmic Universal context.  Seeing this, One is left with simple Being, which becomes fertile terrain for the Inquiry of Advaita to render Truth!
AUSHADHI - Vedic, Ayurvedic, and Puranic Plant Medicine
Aushadhi means ‘Carrier of Light’ and refers to plants in general and medicinal herbs specifically.  It is a forte of sorts of the Veda Mandala.  There are three main facets of this, each of which is a great art and science unto itself: VrikshaVeda, Dravya Guna, and Bhesaj Kalpana.
VRIKSHAVEDA -  Ayurveda for Plants
The Vedic Medical science where the object or patient are plants!  This is to some extent Vedic Permaculture + Biodynamics + Ayurveda + Vastu Shastra + Regenerative Culture. In the context of the Veda Mandala this also becomes the knowledge and practice of ensuring all Plant Medicine is pure, potent, and procured in the context of Ethical Supply Chains and Ecological Medicine
DRAVYA GUNA -  The Medicinal Qualities of Medicine
Dravya Guna is a brilliant and unique model and language of the energetics and actions of literally all phenomena, from herbs to foods to colors to seasons to moods to places to aromas, etc.  In this context it is mostly about the actions and indications of the Plant Allies as well as other key substances including metals, minerals, gems and nutriceuticals. Typically this model is only applied to herbs and foods, and in the Veda Mandala we employ its genius in the analysis of much much more. which is the knowledge of the energetics,
BHESAJ KALPANA - Medicine Making
Bhesaj Kalpana is the art and science of making medicines in such a way that the final medicine to be made is the medicine maker themselves!
The name ‘Veda Mandala’ and everything on this website is copyright 2010-2016 Prashanti de Jager
9 Practices
DHANURVEDA - The Yoga of Archery  
Dhanurveda, the Yoga of Weapons, is one of the oldest forms of Yoga as it is an ‘upaveda’ of the Rigveda, a prime component of the four original Vedas.  On the surface Dhanurveda focuses on training the Yogi in the seven weapons, of which the bow was most important for the Yogi, especially as within the bow contained many metaphors for a right and rewarding Yogic path.  On deeper levels Dhanurveda teaches us concentration, focus, breathing, stillness, and the right use of power to manifest positive change, especially the power of the Warrior and Tolkienesque Elf within.  Deeper yet, Dhanurveda is an arena that places in our hands and within mind and heart, a path to dive into the essence of Yoga, Ayurveda and Tantra, including incredible forms and dances of Prana, Mantra, and Goddesses like Kundalini upon the stage of our deepest Spirit.  Dhanurveda is incredibly empowering and is readily employed for the benefit of all beings!
DARPANA - Vedic Views of Relationship as Medicine
Vedic Views of Relationship as Medicine. Meaning ‘Mirror,’ Darpana is the Veda Mandala facet that studies relationship in the context of the fullness of Vedic thought, and integrates Ayurveda, Yogic Psychology, Yama and Niyama codes of conduct, and much more!  The basis of Darpana is the fact that we ourselves can be the greatest nectar to each other and also the most vile Poison.
SVARUPA - VIHAR - Life Aligned as Intentional Nectar
That practice which at once is the Knowing of a truer Self; Ensuring there are daily facets of your life specific to the pursuit of your Joy as nourishment and identity; Attenuating Self-misidentification; Disengaging from desires/appetites that are not your own.  The Veda Mandala refers to this as “Nectar Self Reflection.”
RTUCHARYA - DINACHARYA - Nature’s Daily, Monthly, Yearly Patterns
The Flows of the rhythms and patterns of nature that we have lived within for millions of years are collectively a tremendous inexorable force. To live askew to this force is to ensure pain and struggle dominates your life in a way that will allow you to attain a mere fraction of your personal potential.  Conversely, to live aligned with these patterns is to live with greater vitality, inspiration, strength and ease and radically increase the probability of attaining your highest potentials. Din refers to ‘Daily,’ Rtu refers to ‘Seasonal and Yearly,’ and Acharya refers to the knowing of and alignment to the patterns.  Many Vaidyas and Vedic Mantris will tell you that this accounts for a good 70% of Wellness.
AAHAR - Right Diet
Ahaar is the Science of Right Diet that, by considering the energetics of the individual, the season, the location, the time, and the therapeutic goals, renders advice as to the what/where/when of a person’s diet.  Note that the Veda Mandala, in its typical tendency to see and extend patterns, considers all sensory input as part of your diet, all you hear, all you feel, all you see, all you taste, all you smell, all you breathe, all you think, all you feel, and all energetic fields you engage with, all are diet, and all can set the terrain for devastating degeneration or all can be harnessed coherently to generate ‘diets’ with radically amplified potency and effectiveness.
KAMA SUTRA - The Art of Sensuality
The Veda Mandala weaves Darpana, Ayurveda, Vedic Psychology, Shamanism, Nectar Self Reflection, and unique ‘tools’ of Tejas and Pranayama to enhance one’s desire and ability to cognize, generate, guide and manipulate myriad subtle currents in oneself and others for the empowering experience of exquisite profound true and right sensuality, sexuality, and scintillating splendid serenity. This leads not only to gorgeous realms of ascending evolutionary blissful paths, but also includes the synergy of dissolving the insidious pernicious pervasive descending devolutionary paths into the self and cultural sabotage of the present plague of rampant sex-centric dysfunctional world views, possession attitudes, objectification tendencies, and psychological programs.
YATRA - The Spiritual Journey
For a whole confluence of reasons, the Vedic Tradition, and the subsequent Hindu interpreations, has always held the Spiritual Journey to be integral and thus it is actually a very strong and developed aspect of the Veda Mandala.  Thousands of destinations offering dozens of attainments and purposes are clearly described all throughout the oral and written articulation of the Tradition.  One of the most precious ‘classrooms’ of the Veda Mandala are the Spiritual journeys of the ‘Yatra Ayurveda’ School, which teaches Veda Mandala topics in the context of 7 to 21 day hikes immersed in the phenomenal Prana realms of the high Himalayan Wilderness. These Yatras also involve the Karma Yoga (Seva as selfless service) of supporting the protection and regeneration of the Himalayan Mega BioDiversity by assisting in the mission of the non-profits Dunagiri Foundation Trust ( and the Bhagavan Himalayan Alliance (
ACHARYA - Seeking, Seeing and Seer of Pattern
‘Cara’ means that which moves and really refers to any and all discrete phenomena.  ‘Acara’ means that which does not move, and refers to the fundamental patterns upon which all phenomena coalesce, the one continuum of the diverse discrete.  ‘Acharya’ refers to the one who seeks and sees the world as pattern.  Acharya also derives from Acinoti, which is ‘accumulating’ in one place greatdiversity of meaning and knowledge.  Being an Acharya is so exceedingly important that this word is actually a title given to the greatest of Vedic Scientists, Yogis, Vaidyas, Dhanurvedins, VastuVedins, Mantris, Jyotishis, Priests, etc. By knowing a single pattern one can know and grok 10,000 things. By knowing multiple patterns relevant to a given situation one can generate insights that will lead to astute evaluation, interpretation, articulation and prediction that is redolent of both Perennial Wisdom and resolute Compassion.
KALA-DESHI-PATRA - Principle of How to Apply the Principles
As mentioned above, Kala-Deshi-Patra, one of the most basic of Vedic Principles, is the principle of how to apply the principles and states that all the Vedic Sciences be applied in the context of the ‘Kala,’ which is the time, like 2016; of the ‘Deshi,’ which is the situation and/or place, like NorCal USA; and the ‘Patra,’ which means ‘vessel’ and refers to both the object/person in question and also to the Mantri/Expert applying the Principle.  Know that the Veda Mandala is not pure ‘Classic’ Vedic Knowledge per se, but rather originated and evolved over decades of Prashanti de Jager’s path and practice of being an Acharya, a seeker/seer of patterns, and, to the best of his abilities, incessantly shining the light of Vedic Principles onto every situation possible via the essential lens of Kala-Deshi-Patra.
2 Allied Scienceshttp://www.dunagiri.orghttp://www.bhagavan.comshapeimage_31_link_0shapeimage_31_link_1
MATH/PHYSICS - Contemporary Models of Fundamental Cosmic Pattern 
There is an enormous amount of cross referential support between Vedic Science and Western Science, where knowledge in one Tradition can deeply assist the understanding of elements in the other.  Decades of excellent education in these topics, including approximately 9 years at the University level, has led Prashanti to always be inclusive of Western Math and Physics.  In fact, many times while sitting in the University of Michigan classrooms of higher Math and Physics the ‘Math’ itself practically became personified, grasped Prashanti’s mind, and rocketed his awareness in an ascendant flight into realms and dimensions that was the natural domains of the ‘Math,’ which it could and would effortlessly extend into, but whose entry was precluded by the limitations innate to a typical human mind bound by 3-dimensionality reality.  It was actually in these swoons and samadhis during Math lectures that the 3-D bud of Prashanti’s mind accelerated its blossoming into a nascent 4-D comprehension and thereby he was introduced to many Vedic principles long before he was brought to the feet of great Gurus.
BIOSCIENCE - Western Models of Cell Physiology and Molecular Biology
As with the Math & Physics, rewarding insights that both confirm and supplement Vedic Knowledge are readily garnered from the International peer-reviewed BioScience literature.  One of the ways that this manifests in the Veda Mandala is learning how to watch the dance of Phytochemistry on the stage of Cell Physiology as choreographed by Molecular Biology, by the herbal energetics described by Ayurveda’s models of Dravya Guna, and the Spirit-centric view of the Plants so endlessly portrayed in the Vedas.  
Additional Resources
The Veda Mandala has an extensive Indological Library that includes over 1400 books, many of them rare and out of print, on Yoga, Ayurveda, Jyotisha, Vastu, Hasta, Plant Medicine of many cultures and traditions, as well as the Root texts of the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, and much more!  Spending time in this library is an important part of studying in the Veda Mandala Guild.
APOTHECARY (Pacific Center of Ayurveda)
The Veda Mandala has an Apothecary with hundreds of herbs from around the world, many of which are relatively unknown to the most.  
Along with the Library and Apothecary, the Veda Mandala is very active in teaching as many people as possible how to make their own medicines and formulas, from Ayurvedic Eye Liner, to Massage Oils, to Avaleha Herbal Jams, and so much more.  The intention here is to empower people to create as many responsible small herb companies as possible as then the adherence to Ethical Supply Chains can be ensured.  Also, we teach in alignment with an intention we call the 10/10 rule meaning make a product that is 10x better than commercial products while being 1/10 the price!
MANDIR (Pacific Center of Ayurveda)
A small Mandir/Temple dedicated to Ganesh and Lakshmi with strong Saivite integration holds space for our intentions and practices.
The mission of the Dunagiri Foundation Trust is the protection of the mega biodiversity of the Himalayas and specifically of medicinal herbs on the brink of extinction as well as the knowledge contained there in the various Oral Traditions of Yoga and Ayurveda.  Because the Veda Mandala is intrinsically allied with Dunagiri it gives quick and expert access to Himalayan-centric studying, practicing and Yatras as well as priority access to the limited supply of the cultivated endangered botanicals.  These opportunities are all part of ‘Yatra Ayurveda.’  Note the next Yatra Ayurveda events are offered for the Autumn of 2016.
To help fund the Dunagiri Foundation, Vajra Ashara, built the gorgeous Samata Retreat center in Goa, whose rare unique beauty centers on nearly two dozen antique hand-carved Javanese teak houses, buildings and other structures that he bought in Indonesia and imported into Goa.  It is a gorgeous venue where Veda Mandala Immersions, classes, yagnyas and other events occur.http://www.dunagiri.orghttp://www.samatagoa.comshapeimage_32_link_0shapeimage_32_link_1
2013 Veda Mandala 10 Day Immersion
Link for the 2022 Navratri Himalayan ImmersionNavratri_Himalayan_Immersion.html